Cebu-based holding company LH Paragon, Inc. (LHPI) recently held its 2022 year-end assessment and strategic direction for 2023 headed by Group Chairman Bernie H. Liu, with the LHPI Board Directors, Board Advisors, Executive Committee, and respective Business Unit Heads last January 18-19, 2023.
In a fellowship gathering on January 18, LHPI Board Advisor and Global Consultant for Family Corporations and former Julius Baër Iberia CEO and Managing Director, Carolina Martinéz-Caro shared her insights on the global economic outlook for 2023, citing key developments in global market trends arising from post-pandemic conditions coupled with implications from the Russia-Ukraine war. Coming from a steadily recovering global environment last year, Ms. Martinéz-Caro shares her optimism and eager anticipation for potential growth prospects in 2023.
Ms. Martinez-Caro also had the opportunity to visit two of the Group’s core businesses— the new Golden ABC (GABC) Distribution Center in Quezon City, along with store visits to the group’s retail brand stores, and the Matimco (MTC) Office and Plant Facilities in Caloocan, Metro Manila and House of Wood The Fort in Taguig City.
Ms. Martinéz-Caro’s expertise in International Banking and Finance was built over more than thirty years of professional experience, serving as the Managing Director of Julius Baër Iberia, and previously as Senior Vice President for Investments and Global Wealth Management at Bank of America Merrill Lynch in Madrid, Spain.
Currently, she is an Independent Advisor to several international family corporations while serving as Senior Advisor and Consultant for Forbes Global Properties and other different companies.
The LH Paragon Group is confident that the continuing exchange and sharing of global best practices that Ms. Martinéz-Caro brings from her diverse experience with family corporations from different countries and cultures will further strengthen the Group’s investment portfolio in line with its long-term strategic goals.